


It is that time of the year where you grab your pumpkin spiced latte and head on over to the pumpkin patch with your kids We understand that carving pumpkins can be a bit messy so we found some easy mer-mazing pumpkin decorating ideas that are all non-carving. 

Most of these pumpkins use many of the same decorating items including: glitter spray paint, starfish, bows and do not forget the gems! You can purchase many of these items at your local art store, target or even Amazon.

You can use these photos as inspiration but don't be afraid to use your own imagination. Change up the colors, the mermaid accessories and even the gems. You and your kids will have a blast creating your own mermaid masterpiece!

Make sure to tag us in any of your photos you post with your mermaid masterpieces with the hashtag #Enchantails 

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